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How To Use Fragrance Load Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating the perfect candle involves a delicate balance of wax and fragrance. The Fragrance Load Calculator is an essential tool to ensure your candles have just the right scent. In this how-to guide, we'll walk you through the steps to use the Fragrance Load Calculator effectively.

Introduction to the Fragrance Load Calculator

Fragrance Load Calculator Preview

The Fragrance Load Calculator helps you determine the precise amount of fragrance and wax needed for your candles. By entering the finished candle size weight and the desired fragrance percentages, you can achieve a balanced and consistent scent in every candle.

Our Fragrance Load Calculator offers candle makers several benefits, especially when it comes to precision, consistency, and efficiency in crafting candles. What sets our Fragrance Load Calculator apart is its ability to provide accurate results for blends.

You can label and add additional fragrances, specifying the desired percentage for each fragrance oil. This feature allows users to confidently experiment with various fragrance percentages and candle sizes, ensuring they achieve their desired scent profiles.

This step-by-step guide will show you how to use our Fragrance Load Calculator effectively. Let’s dive into the process!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Fragrance Load Calculator

Step 1: Understand Your Goal

Decide on the fragrance strength you want to achieve. This will determine the percentage of fragrance oil you'll use.

Step 2: Access the Fragrance Load Calculator

Begin by accessing the Fragrance Load Calculator directly through this link: Fragrance Load Calculator

Once the webpage loads, you can proceed with the calculations for your candle-making process.

Step 3: Enter Finished Candle Size

Specify the finished candle size and select your calculation preference. Input the finished candle size you plan to use in the Finished Candle Size field. Decide whether you want to calculate based on the total weight or the weight per individual candle.

Total Weight: Select this option for calculations based on the overall weight of candle container(s).

Weight per Candle: To calculate per candle, enter the number of candles you are making. An additional field, "Number of Candles," will appear. Enter the number of candles you are making. Ensure all candles are either identical or use the same amount of wax.

Consistency Alert

Important Note: You do not need to specify whether you are using grams or ounces for wax weight. The calculation will work for either unit. However, ensure you are consistent in your choice throughout the process.

If you entered a Finished Candle Size in ounces, weigh your fragrance in ounces as well. Likewise, if you used grams for Finished Candle Size, use grams for fragrance weight. There is a step later in the process to assist with conversion calculations.

Step 4: Add Fragrance Details

For each fragrance you plan to use, fill in the following details:

  • Enter the fragrance name.

  • Specify the percentage of fragrance oil. Input as whole numbers only.

  • Click “Add Fragrance” to include additional fragrances (up to 9).

Step 5: Calculate Fragrance Load

Once all the required information is entered, click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will process your inputs and provide the necessary calculations.

Step 6: View Results

The results will be displayed below the form, detailing:

  • Individual fragrance amounts required.

  • Total fragrance amount.

  • Wax amount to use per candle (if "Wax Weight per Candle" is selected).

  • Total wax amount.

Step 7: Conversion Tool (Optional)

If you need to convert between grams and ounces for your fragrance weight, you can our Conversion Calculator.

Example Scenario: Total Weight

Candle maker weighing candle wax

Let's walk through an example to illustrate how the Fragrance Load Calculator works.


Imagine you have a candle container designed to hold 500 grams of wax. You plan to create a scented candle combining two fragrances: Lavender and Vanilla. To achieve an overall fragrance load of 8%, you decide to use Lavender at 5% concentration and Vanilla at 3%.

Enter Finished Candle Size Weight

Finished candle size weight amount being entered into example

Enter Finished Candle Size: 500

Select Weight Type: Total Weight (default selection)

Enter Fragrance Types And Percentage Amounts

Fragrance 1 Name: Lavender

Percentage (%): 5

Click "Add Fragrance" button

Fragrance 2 Name: Vanilla

Percentage (%): 3

Calculate Results

Calculation of example results

Click the "Calculate" button to see results.

Detailed Results Explanation

Example Results breakdown

Individual Fragrance Amounts:


This section shows the amount of fragrance oil (in grams or ounces, depending on your chosen units) required for the lavender-scented candle. In this case, 23.81 units of fragrance oil are needed.


Similarly, this section displays the fragrance amount needed for the vanilla-scented candle, which totals 14.56 units of fragrance oil.

Total Fragrance Amount:

This figure represents the cumulative amount of fragrance oil needed for all fragrances combined. In this example, the total fragrance amount required is 38.37 units. This calculation includes both the lavender and vanilla fragrances.

Wax Amount to Use:

This section informs you of the total amount of wax required for your candle-making project. It deducts the total fragrance amount from the initial wax weight you inputted to ensure the correct balance of wax and fragrance. In this instance, you would need 461.63 units of wax.


The Fragrance Load Calculator is a powerful tool for anyone involved in candle making. By following these steps, you can ensure that your candles have the perfect fragrance load every time. Whether you're crafting a single candle or preparing a batch, this calculator simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your craft.


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