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And With A Flame, This Blog Was Born

Black woman holding a lit wood wick candle

My Candle Making Journey

Greetings, internet! I'm Des, the mind behind Candle Calc. By day, I'm a software engineer, and by night, I'm a passionate candle crafter.

My love for DIY and arts and crafts led me to a desire to create more of the everyday items I use from scratch. I thought, why purchase things like cleaning solutions, hairspray, or soap, when I can craft my own? I truly enjoy the process, and there's a sense of satisfaction in being fully aware of the ingredients that go into the products I use.

Then came the lightbulb moment – why not make my own candles? My excitement peaked when I received my first candle making kit as a gift, setting me on a path of creativity and discovery.

Why choose candles, you wonder? I have been immersed in the art of candle making for more than two years now. In my upbringing, the ambiance of our family home was usually enriched by the comforting aroma of candles. Now as an adult, I find myself following suit.

Crafting candles has evolved into a creative and fulfilling hobby for me. It allows me to express my artistic side and create personalized items. I truly enjoy the multi-sensory experience they offer, combining visual appeal, soothing scents, and a touch of nostalgia.

Embarking on this candle making journey was no easy effort. It demanded a lot of patience, extensive reading, and a thirst for knowledge. Identifying pain points in the candle making process, I scoured the internet for solutions and tools that would enhance the quality and consistency of my creations. Unfortunately, there were limited tools available at the time. As an engineer, I naturally approached it as a problem-solving endeavor.

Being a proactive problem solver, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Why not create a solution tailored to my needs? I envisioned a program, a calculator that could effortlessly determine the precise amounts of wax, color components, and fragrance required for each candle. Leveraging my mathematical skills and programming abilities, I set out to streamline the process, making it faster and more consistent.

Continuing my quest for perfection, I sought out to solve the problem of inconsistent wick placement. In all honesty, my initial creations were not always aesthetically pleasing, with wicks occasionally veering a bit too far from the center. Once the wax was poured, it was hard to make any significant corrections. Determined to avoid this setback, I designed a program that takes into account the container size, wick width, and wick amount. With this tool, I can effortlessly print and cut a template, ensuring precise wick placement every single time. No more guesswork, just consistently beautiful candles.

The result? A game-changer. Not only did my custom programs enhance my candle making process, but it also sparked a realization – I could share these tools with the world. I believe in making things easier and more accessible for fellow crafters, and I'm excited to bring my innovative solutions to the broader community.

As Candle Calc continues to expand, my aim is to create additional tools that simplify the candle crafting process. I'll also be generating content, including blogs and videos, to assist fellow crafters on their journey. Additionally, my long term goal is to set up a shop where customers can buy my creations.

Stay tuned for more from Candle Calc as we light up the world, one thoughtfully crafted candle at a time!


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